Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "485"
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Enfolded Hamlet: Enfolded Search for "485"

Enfolded Hamlet Page

The Tragedie of

Prince of Denmarke.


  1. [EH]
    482       He may not as vnualewed persons doe,1.3.19
    483       Carue for himselfe, for on his choise depends1.3.20
    484       The {safty} <sanctity> and health of {this whole} <the weole> state,1.3.21
    485       And therefore must his choise be circumscribd 1.3.22
    486       Vnto the voyce and yeelding of that body1.3.23
    487       Whereof he is the head, then if he saies he loues you,1.3.24
    488       It fits your wisdome so farre to belieue it1.3.25

  2. [EH]
    1522     Did nothing: 2.2.482
    1523     But as we often see against some storme,2.2.483
    1524     A silence in the heauens, the racke stand still,2.2.484
    1525     The bold winds speechlesse, and the orbe belowe2.2.485
    1526     As hush as death, anon the dreadfull thunder2.2.486
    1527     Doth rend the region, so after Pirrhus pause,2.2.487
    1528     A rowsed vengeance sets him new a worke,2.2.488