Found the following entries referring to line 3834

View Commentary Note for 3834, etc.
3834 And in this harsh world drawe thy breath in paine {A march a}5.2.348
3835-7 To tell my story: |<March afarre off, and shout within.>| what warlike noise is this? {farre off.} 

View Immaterial Textual Note for 3834, etc.
3834 And in this harsh world drawe thy breath in paine {A march a}5.2.348
3835-7 To tell my story: |<March afarre off, and shout within.>| what warlike noise is this? {farre off.} 

View Material Textual Note for 3834, etc.
3834 And in this harsh world drawe thy breath in paine {A march a}5.2.348
3835-7 To tell my story: |<March afarre off, and shout within.>| what warlike noise is this? {farre off.}