Found the following entries referring to line 3612

View Commentary Note for 3611, etc.
3611 {Cour.}<Sir,> You are not ignorant of what excellence Laertes is <at>5.2.137
3612 <his weapon.>..

View Material Textual Note for 3611, etc.
3611 {Cour.}<Sir,> You are not ignorant of what excellence Laertes is <at>5.2.137
3612 <his weapon.>..

View Commentary Note for 3612, etc.
3612+1 {Ham. I dare not confesse that, least I should compare with} 3611+1 * Bernice number here? 
3612+2 {him in excellence, but to know a man wel, were to knowe himselfe.} 

View Material Textual Note for 3612, etc.
3612+1 {Ham. I dare not confesse that, least I should compare with} 3611+1 * Bernice number here? 
3612+2 {him in excellence, but to know a man wel, were to knowe himselfe.} 

View Commentary Note for 3612, etc.
3612+3 {Cour. I meane sir for this weapon, but in the imputation laide on} 
3612+4 {him, by them in his meed, hee's vnfellowed.} 3611+4  

View Immaterial Textual Note for 3612, etc.
3612+3 {Cour. I meane sir for this weapon, but in the imputation laide on} 
3612+4 {him, by them in his meed, hee's vnfellowed.} 3611+4 * Bernice number here 

View Material Textual Note for 3612, etc.
3612+3 {Cour. I meane sir for this weapon, but in the imputation laide on} 
3612+4 {him, by them in his meed, hee's vnfellowed.} 3611+4 * Bernice number here