Found the following entries referring to line 3374-76

View Commentary Note for 3373-74
3373-4 iest, of most excellent fancie, hee | hath {bore} <borne> me on his backe a thou-5.1.185

View Material Textual Note for 3373-74
3373-4 iest, of most excellent fancie, hee | hath {bore} <borne> me on his backe a thou-5.1.185

View Commentary Note for 3374-76
3374-5 sand times, and {now} how | abhorred {in} my imagination {it} is: my gorge 
3375-6 rises at it. Heere | hung those lyppes that I haue kist I know not howe 

View Material Textual Note for 3374-76
3374-5 sand times, and {now} how | abhorred {in} my imagination {it} is: my gorge 
3375-6 rises at it. Heere | hung those lyppes that I haue kist I know not howe 3375-6