3322 Pages With 'milton'
[in All Volumes]

(12) Century Dictionary, Vol. VIII, p. 6626, unlawful to unlimited (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  6 Matches

..ings chiefly as were  better unlearned. Milton, Education.  Unlearned Parliament..
.. hasty view of an unleasur'd licencer.  Milton, A2eopagitica, p. 31.  unleisured..
..ned; un-  taught; ignorant; illiterate. Milton, Comus,  l. 174. =Syn. Illiterate..
.. sphere, he framed, unlightsome first.  Milton, P. L., vii. 354.  unlike (un-lik..
..Earle of  high Treason is not unlikely. Milton, Eikonoklastes, it.  9. Not holdi..
..blet (un-lim'i-ta-bl), a. Illimitable.  Milton, Eikonoklastes, xviii.  unlimited..

(12) Century Dictionary, Vol. VIII, p. 6579, unadvisedness to unappeasable (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  6 Matches

..son unagree-  able to transport a Warr. Milton, Hist. Eng., ii.  unagreeableness..
..-bli), adv. Unchange-  ably; immutably. Milton, P. L., v. 502.  unaltered (un-l..
..sentient.  Both in one faith unanimous. Milton, P. L., xii. 603.  2. Formed with..
..; not inspressed with fear; dauntless.  Milton, P. R., iv. 425.  unapparel (un-a..
..d too unapparent  for law to deal with. Milton, Tetrachordon.  The Zoroastrian d..
.. implacable: as, unap-  peasable anger. Milton, S. A., 1. 963.  ..

(12) Century Dictionary, Vol. VIII, p. 6565, typtologist to tyranny (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  6 Matches

..ute violence and proud tyrannic power.  Milton, P. R., i. 218.  tyrannical (ti-r..
..emples to the Honour of Tyrannicides."  Milton, Answer to Salmasius, v.  tyranni..
..n of a tyrant and a tyranniz'd  people. Milton, Apology for Smectymnuus.  2$. To..
..st unnatural and un-  christianly yoke. Milton, Divorce, it. 20.  Also spelled t..
..lf  Emperor of the Roman Commonwealth.  Milton, Hist. Eng., ii.  Tyrannula (ti-r..
..s were turned into  so many Tyrannies." Milton, Answer to Salmasius.  4. Arbitra..

(11) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 741, buzzard to by (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  4 Matches

..he living God than of a blizzard  idol. Milton, Eikonoklastes, i.  buzzard-clock..
..orously them that rob by the high way.  Milton, Hist. Eng., iii.  A good poet ca..
..rding to conscience  is not to do evil. Milton, Civil Power.  In his behaviour t..
..y not thus to be spoken of by the  way. Milton, Apology for Smectymnuus.  By' ti..

(11) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 724, burbot to bureaucratic (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  4 Matches

..any a Man lives a burden to the Earth.  Milton, Areopagitica, p. 6.  Deaf, giddy..
.. ]musehold hearth,  A burdenoils drone. Milton, S. A., 1. 567.  burdensome, burt..
..e of endless gratitude,  So burdensoe. Milton, P. L., iv. 53.  If the Peoples d..
.. denlull and delay of Justice to them?  Milton, Eikonoklastes, vi.  The inferior..

(11) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 685, brimful to bring (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  4 Matches

..r this  Their full tribute never miss.  Milton, Comus, 1. 924.  brimmet (brim'br..
.. variegated by streaks or spots and by Milton  to the lioness, whose hide is of..
..ed lioness  And spotted mountain-pard.  Milton, Comus, 1. 443.  The brimt,,d cat..
..ek Panope with all her sisters play'd.  Milton, Lycidas, 1. 98.  3. Tears.  XVha..

(11) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 596, blot to blow (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  4 Matches

..wing dry,  Wrinkled the face of deluge. Milton, P. L., xi. 842.  3t. To make a b..
..et.  There let the pealing organ blow.  Milton, I1 Penseroso, 1. 161.  6. To spo..
..  8abaean odours from the spicy shore.  Milton, P. L., iv. 161.  Along the grass..
.. with high conceits ingendering pride.  Milton,, P. L., iv. 809.  (c) To fan or ..

(11) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 533, besmear to bessel's function (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  4 Matches

..nfatuated.  Besotted, base ingratitude. Milton, Conms, 1. 778.  Historical paint..
..ord himself bespake, anti bid them go.  Milton, Nativity, vi.  And thus the chie..
..kled her with . . . gaudy allurements.  Milton, Reformation in Eng., i.  bespend..
..ll bespurted witIt his own holy water.  Milton, Deft of Humb. Remonst.  bespurtl..

(11) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 525, benefit to benignity (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  4 Matches

..y (be- nev' .6-1.e. nt-li), adv. In a  Milton, Education. benevolent manner; wi..
..n, sure ....  Benighted in these woods. Milton, Comus, 1. 150.  . To involve in..
..and benign,  Giver of all things fair ! Milton, :P. L., viii. 492.  9. Proceedin..
..whom thus Michael, with regard benign.  Milton, 1 . L., xi. 334.  What did the ..

(11) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 510, beholding to bekiss (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  4 Matches

..n recompense it brings  To your behoof. Milton, P. L., it. 982.  Who wants the f..
..now of, but from the corruptest times.  Milton, Def. of Humb. Remonst.  First, T..
..e.  Lest you bejade the good galloway.  Milton, Del. of Humb. Remonst.  bejan (b..
..king license to doe so worthy a deed ?  Milton, Areopagitica, p. 54.  bejewel (b..
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ..333
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