4964 Pages With 'Shak'
[in All Volumes]

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 535, bestorm to beteach (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

..ride the narrow world  Like a Colossus. Shak., J. C., i. 2.  The animal he bestr..
..d ntistress saw  Bestride my threshold. Shak., Cor., iv. 5.  bestrode (b-strGd'..
..t's  the French bet against the Danish. Shak., Hamlet, v. 2.  bet3f. An obsolete..
.. . bestows himself  Like a ripe sister. Shak., As you Like it, iv. 3.  =Syn. 4. ..
..acted; mad: as, "I am not  bestraught," Shak., T. of the S., Ind., ii.  bestraug..
.. loathly,  That you shall hate it both. Shak., Tempest, iv. 1.  Strip the bough ..
..ll, and belted much money  on his head. Shak., 2 Hen. IV., iii. 2.  II. intrans...

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 532, beset to besmear (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

..eb. xii. 1.  We are beset with thieves. Shak., T. of the S., iii. 2.  Adam sore ..
..,ter ] you do draw my spirits from me.  Shak., 2 Hen. IV., it. S.  Beshrew me, b..
.. To put him quite beside his patience.  Shak., I Hen. IV., iii. 1.  71. Without...
..ing such a wife as your fair daughter.  Shak., T. G. of V., iii. 1.  2. In addit..
..aris was besieg'd, famish'd, and lost.  Shak., 2 Hen. VI., i. 3.  . To beset; t..
..lties that besiege all kinds of blood.  Shak., Sonnets, cix.  The arras, rich wi..
..eslubber our garments with it [blood].  Shak., I Hen. IV., it. 4.  The men said ..

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 525, benefit to benignity (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

.. will plague thee with incessant wars.  Shak., 1 Hen. VI., v. 4.  5. A performan..
.. all the benefits of your own country.  Shak., As you Like it, iv. 1.  When thes..
..e corrupt,  They turn to vicious forms. Shak., Hen. VIII., i. 2.  Benefit of cle..
.. Shall nothing benefit your knowledge.  Shak., W. T., iv. 3.  9. Same as benefic..
..ing thus benetted round with villains.  Shak., Hamlet, v. 2.  benet2t (ben'e:), ..
..nial which he is most glad to receive.  Shak., M. for M., iii. 1.  There she los..
..toward her ever most kind and natural.  Shak., M. for M., iii. 1.  An entertainm..

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 485, beach-clam to bead-furnace (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

..n the beached verge of the salt flood.  Shak., T. of A., v. 2.  g. Run on a beac..
..ingly.  The beaehy girdle of the oceau. Shak., 2 t/en. IV.,iii. 1.  beacon (bS'k..
..oubt is call'd  The beacoa of the wise. Shak., T. and C., ii. 2.  Uncertain, tro..
..e;  So sweet is zealous contemplation.  Shak., lich. III., iii. 7.  g. One of t..
..racelets, beads, and all this knavery.  Shak., T. of the S., iv. 3.  4. Any smal..
..ads of sweat have stood upon thy brow.  Shak., I Hen. IV., ii. 3.  He raised his..
..re  of bedes], that is, "set of beads" (Shak., Rich. II., iii. 3),  a rosary; no..

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 441, banish to bank (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

..rom this instant, banish him our city.  Shak., Cor., iii. 3.  Six years we banis..
..Cor., iii. 3.  Six years we banish him. Shak., Rich. II., i. 3.  Thou knowest wh..
..yself  Have baish'd me from Scotland.  Shak., 5{acbeth, iv. 3.  You have alread..
..my banishers  Stand I before thee here. Shak., Cor., iv. 5.  banishment (ban'ish..
..rn with welcome home fi'om banishment.  Shak, Rich. TI., i. 3.  Fields whose thr..
...  Tiber trembled underneath her banks. Shak., J. C., i. 1.  Moored against the ..
.. le roy" as ! have bak'd their towns?  Shak., K. John, v. 2.  TO bank a fire, t..

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 433, ballot to balneary (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

..ur Costard or my  Ballow be the harder. Shak., Lear, iv. 6 (1623).  baiLproof (b..
..h'd off, wherewith thou wast anointed.  Shak., 3 Hen. VI., iii. 1.  4. Aromatic ..
..t minds, great nature's second course.  Shak., Macbeth, it. 2.  Heal the wounded..
..entreasur'd with full bags of spices !  Shak., Pericles, iii. 2.  2. To anoint a..
..ght yet have balm'd thy broken senses.  Shak., Lear, iii. 6.  [Obsolete or archa..
.. persuade  Justice to break her sword ! Shak., Othello, v. 2.  And I would be th..
..s most balmy time  My love looks fresh. Shak., Sonnets, ceil.  Tired nature's sw..

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 375, attraction to attrition (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

..d parts aside, I have no  other charms. Shak., M. W. of W., it. 2.  2. That whic..
..her chosen attractiotas, would allure.  Shak., Pericles, v. 1.  It is probable t..
..buted to the true  and exact performer. Shak., Ali's Well, iii. 6.  Narrow views..
..that have I done,  And more, much more. Shak., Lear, v. 3.  attribute (at'ri-bfi..
..u not find out that by her  attributes? Shak., T. and C., iii. 1.  The term attr..
..h the reason  Why we ascribe it to hinL Shak., T. and C., it. 3.  6. In gram., a..
.. so general current through the world.  Shak., I Ilen. IV., iv. 1.  3. Authority..

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 352, assurance to astacidae (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..t me the full assurance of your faith.  Shak., T. N., iv. 3.  2. Pledge; guarant..
.. and yours; he liked  not the security. Shak., 2 Hen. IV., i. 2.  3t. Affiance; ..
..This shall assure my constant loyalty.  Shak., 3 Hen. VI., iii. 3.  My penance h..
..e  Dromio; swore I was assured to her.  Shak., C. of E., iii. 2.  7. To insure, ..
.. To give the world assurance of a man.  Shak., Hamlet, iii. 4.  I feel desires  ..
.. double sure,  Amt take a bond of fate. Shak., Macbeth, iv. 1.  There have preva..
..hall ever take alive the noble Brutus.  Shak., J. C., v. 4.  They are recommende..
..acaulay, Hist. Eng., xx.  3L Affianced. Shak.-- 4. Insured; having one's  life o..

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 344, assassinate to assemblation (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

..ble  against all assaults of affection. Shak., Much Ado, ii. 3.  Assault of or a..
..r, naked as I am, I will assault thee.  Shak., Othello. v. 2.  Specifically--2. ..
..This cannot be,  By no assay of reason. Shak., OtheIlo, i. 3.  He hath made an a..
..  He hath made an assay of her virtueß  Shak., M. for 3I., iii. 1.  Hence-- . T..
..hath assay'd as nmch as may be proved.  Shak., Venus and Adonis, 1. 608.  [Hen. ..
.. strict deputy; bid herself assay him.  Shak., M. for M., i. 3.  5L To affect; m..
..emblace of a man? Give me  the spirit. Shak., 2 Hen. IV., iii. 2.  assemblatiom..

(7) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 275, applot to apportion (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  7 Matches

..alololy to her  Some remedies for life. Shak., W. T., iii. 2.  In the gardens of..
..ebt.  Craft against vice I must apply.  Shak., M. for M., iii. 2.  4. To connect..
.., Nestor shall apply  Thy latest words. Shak., T. and C., i. 3.  I repeated the ..
..  You may be armed and appointed well.  Shak., Tit. And., iv. 2.  Six hundred ca..
..be with her... by her own appointment.  Shak., M. W. of W., ii. 2.  4. Anything ..
.. best alopointment, all our regiments.  Shak., K. John, ii. 1.  The cavaliers em..
..nmke with speed;  To-morrow you set on. Shak., M. for M., iii. 1.  7i. An allowa..
1.. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 [35] 36 37 38 39 40 ..497
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