4964 Pages With 'Shak'
[in All Volumes]

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 666, brawl to brazen (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..o the wrong, and first begin to brawl.  Shak., Rich. III., i. 3.  9. To roar, as..
..The brook that brawls along this wood.  Shak., As you Like it, it. 1.  Crossing ..
..bras.  He is a devil in private brawl.  Shak., T. N., iii. 4.  A creature wholly..
..now she is an irksome, brawling scold.  Shak., T. of the S., i. 2.  The spirit-g..
.. my ventbrace put this wither'd brawn.  Shak., T. and C., i. 3.  I had purpose  ..
.. from thy brawn,  Or lose my arm for't. Shak., Cor., iv. 5.  6. Head-cheese.--Mo..
..us bray out  The triumph of his pledge. Shak., Hamlet, i. 4.  Arms on armour cla..
..it is proof and bulwark against sense.  Shak., Hamlet, iii. 4.  brazeS, n. See b..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 596, blot to blow (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..aud, pl. bliaus, bliaz, an upper gar-  Shak., Lucrece, 1. 948.  I-Ience--4. To ..
..age at the door, sweating and blowing.  Shak., M. W. of W., iii. 3.  5. To give ..
..th blowing the fire shall warm myself,  Shak., T. of the S., iv. 1.  2. To drive..
..take pains to blow a horn before her ?  Shak., K. John, i. 1.  The bells she jin..
..ted.]  Look, how imagination blows him. Shak., T. N., ii. 4.  8. To spread by re..
..heir mines,  And blow them at the moon. Shak., Hamlet, iii. 4.  10. To deposit e..
..e water-flies  Blow me into abhorring ! Shak., A. and C., v. 2.  To blow a coal...
..ck his sorrow's tide, to make it more.  Shak., Lucrece, 1. 1788.  To blow upon. ..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 579, blasphemy to blasting (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..hich in the soldier is fiat blasphemy.  Shak., M. for M., it. 2.  5t. A blasphem..
..grace o'erboard, not an oath on shore.  Shak., Tempest, v. 1.  =Syll. Blasphemy,..
..Losing his verdure, even in the prime.  Shak., T. G. of V., i. 1.  5. To burst a..
..t hold,  If this should blast in proof. Shak., Hamlet, iv. 7.  II. trans. lt. To..
..h brazen din blast you the city's ear.  Shak., A. and C., iv. 8.  I have seen yo..
..n this blasted heath you stop our way?  Shak., Macbeth, i. 3.  Since this I live..
..ess.  With Hecate's ban thrice blasted. Shak., Hamlet, iii. 2.  The prosecutor u..
..A class of  Blasts and fogs upon thee I Shak., Lear, i. 4. radiate animals: same..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 538, bettermost to bevel (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..rom her be-tumbled couch she starteth.  Shak., Lucrece, 1. 1037.  betatot (b.-t..
..kiss her oaths of true love swearing !  Shak., Pass. Pilgrim, vii.  3. In the mu..
..rozen conscience and hot-burning will.  Shak., Lucrece, 1. 247.  France has been..
..ch of nmrriage  Betwixt myself and her. Shak., M. for 51., v. 1.  =Syn. See comp..
.. beuk (bOX), n. A Scotch form of book.  Shak., C. of E., v. 1.  7. In regard to ..
..o dogs, which hath the deeper moith ?  Shak., 1 Hen. VI., it. 4.  [Between is l..
..--come you betwee,,  And save poor me. Shak., Pericles, iv. 1.  between (be-tw..
..aight though they themselves be bevel.  Shak., Sonnets, cxxi.  Their houses are ..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 537, betrash to betterment (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..e, sir. I fear you love Mistress Page.  Shak., M. W. of W., iii. 3.  I will betr..
..ed hook shall pierce  Their slimy jaws. Shak., A. and C., it. 5.  But when I ris..
..hich spongy April at thy hest betrims.  Shak., Tempest, iv. 1.  betroth (bc-trO..
.. married her perforce  To County Paris. Shak., R. and J., v. 3.  2. To engage to..
..d,  Was I betroth'd ere I saw Herrata.  Shak., M. N. D., iv. 1.  3f. To nominate..
..s a candle, the better part burnt out.  Shak., 2 Hen. IV., i. 2.  How have we wa..
..you  nmst expect of me to tell you how. Shak., MuchAdo, i. 1.  What you do  Stil..
..hat you do  Still betters what is done. Shak., W. T., iv. 3.  3. To advance the ..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 522, bend to beneath (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..d up every spirit  To his full height ! Shak., Hen. V., iii. 1.  Her whole mind ..
..e arm.   In duty bend thy knee to me. Shak., 2 lien. VI., v. 1.  A kindly old ..
..  Towards Coventry bend we our course.  Shak., 3 Iten. YI., iv. 8.  Southwards, ..
..e's will.  Except she bend her humour.  Shak., Cymbeline, i. 6.  Oh there are wo..
.. Looks fearfully in the confined deep.  Shak., Lear, iv. 1.  4. To bow or be sub..
..umbly therefore bending to your state.  Shak., Othello, i. 3.  Must we bend to t..
..to the sea,  And hears it roar beneath. Shak., Hamlet, i. 4.  The general's disd..
..y the next;  That next, by him beneath. Shak., T. and C., J. 3.  2. Below, as op..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 513, belie to belive (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..He never did encounter with Glendower.  Shak., I Hen. IV., i. 3.  Who is he that..
..d I do so, I should belie my thoughts.  Shak., Rich. II., if. 2.  5t. To fiql wi..
... 9.  You are now bound to believe him. Shak., C. of E., v. 1.  3. To expect or ..
.. By wounding his belief in her renown.  Shak., Cymbeline, v. 5.  9. A conviction..
..do yourself  good, and not to grace me. Shak., As you Like it, v. 2.  Belief adm..
..tion, i. 89.  All corners of the world. Shak., Cymbeline, iii. 4. believability ..
..light in darkness, comfort in despair.  Shak., 2 Hen. VI., if. 1.  9. Of the num..
..lty of Duke Hmnphrey's timeless death.  Shak., 2 Hen. VI., iii. 2.  Belike this ..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 370, attagen to attask (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..e have procur'd,  Set down by the poll? Shak., Cor., iii. 3.  II. intrans. 1. To..
.. Stands in attainder of eternal shame.  Shak., L. L. L., i. 1.  attaindryt, n. A..
..  I must offend before I be attainted.  Shak., 2 Hen. VI., ii. 4.  No attainder ..
..as never yet attaint  With any passion. Shak., 1 Hen. VI., v. 5.  Auterfoits att..
..ckness, whose attaint  Disorder breeds. Shak., V. and A., 1. 741.  6. Attainder...
..imple thief brags of his own attaint ?  Shak., C. of E., iii. 2.  attaintmentt (..
..er attainture will be Humphrey's fall.  Shak., 2 Hen. VI., i. 2.  2. Imputation;..
..om,  Than prais'd for harmful mildness. Shak., Lear, i. 4  ..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 277, appreciate to apprehensive (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..hat we have we prize not to the worth.  Shak., Much Ado, iv. 1.  Though men este..
..not the form of what he should attend.  Shak., 1 Hen. IV., i. 3.  (d) To underst..
.. 2.  O, let my lady apprehend no fear.  Shak., T. and C., iii. 2.  A man that ap..
..re dreadfully, but  as a drunken sleep. Shak., M. for M., iv. 2.  5. To hold in ..
..ning.  You apprehend passing shrewdly.  Shak., Much Ado, ii. 1.  Put it into his..
..ion.  In apprehension, how like a god ! Shak., Hamlet, ii. 2.  They have happy w..
..ense of death is most in apprehension.  Shak., M. for M., iii. 1.  As he was pos..
.. nimble,  fiery, and delectable shapes. Shak., 2 Hen. IV., iv. 3.  An understand..

(8) Century Dictionary, Vol. I, p. 151, allotropy to alloy (DjVu), (JPEG), (JPEG Popup)
  8 Matches

..tery my father left me by testa-  ment. Shak., As you Like it, i. 1.  aU-over (M..
..There is no slander in an allowed fool. Shak., T. N., i. 5.  6f. To invest; intr..
.. thanks,  Allow'd with absolute power.  Shak., T. of A., v. 2.  7. To assert de..
..at have consented mto Henry's death !  Shak., 1 Hen. VI., i. 1.  Constantine ce..
..; admit: with of: as, "of this  allow," Shak., W. T., iv. (cho.).  Thou shalt ho..
..hagoras, ere I will  allow of thy wits. Shak., T. lg., iv. 2.  The Court, which ..
..ague between his highness and Ferrara.  Shak., Hen. VIII., ill. 2.  3t. Reputati..
..f very expert and approv'd allowa,ce.  Shak., Othello, it. 1.  allowedly (.a.-l..
1.. 21 22 [23] 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ..497
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